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LongRange (Eprinomectin) Injectable

LongRange (Eprinomectin) Injectable
250ml - Injectable  250ml - on Manufacturer Backorder; No ETA
SKU : 1008250_-RX
Price: $476.95
Price: $476.95
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Veterinarian Prescription (RX) Required

  • Able to deliver 100 to 150 days of parasite control in a single dose.
  • Since internal parasites are out of sight, they can also be out of mind. 
  • It's important to remember that, when left untreated, parasite infections in cattle can:
    • Negatively impact the immune system
    • Reduce appetite and nutritional efficiency
    • Reduce weaning weights
    • Lower conception rates
    • Alter carcass composition
    • Decrease milk production
*Manufacturer restricts additional discounts on this item unless explicitly specified
How to Order Prescriptions


LONGRANGE is worth the investment. 

LONGRANGE gives you 100 to 150 days of parasite protection - so you can break the cycle with one convenient spring treatment. And that's what makes LONGRANGE worth the investment.

    • To get the same level of control with conventional products, you'd need three or more applications, each one timed to start working before the last one wears off. 
    • When you add up those product costs, labor, handling stress and shrink, one dose of LONGRANGE makes a lot of sense. 
    • It's all the body condition, reproduction and weaning weight benefits of a strategic deworming program in a single spring treatment.

Factors to consider

The level of parasite burden varies from location to location and animal to animal. However, here are some factors to consider as you evaluate your deworming approach.

    • Age
      • Younger animals are more likely to display clinical signs of parasitism. While adult animals are less likely to display clinical signs, a subclinical infection (one you may not notice) still impacts the performance of that animal.
    • Climate
      • Warm and wet are ideal conditions for parasites. Hot and dry conditions reduce the risk of parasitic infections. Parasites can easily survive the cold.
    • Conditions
      • Heavily stocked pastures and/or limited acreage can result in higher parasite burden, particularly in mild, moist conditions. Even cattle loafing around water holes and along creeks can increase parasite burdens on the pasture and, ultimately, in the animals in those areas. Increased precipitation can prolong parasite season on pasture.
    • Timing
      • Use products strategically with an aim to break the life cycle. It takes about 100 days of continuous parasite control to break the parasite life cycle and reduce the parasite burden on pasture.

by Merial
RX required for this item. 
Click here for our full Prescription Policy and Form

by Merial 

LONGRANGE is worth the investment. 

LONGRANGE gives you 100 to 150 days of parasite protection - so you can break the cycle with one convenient spring treatment. And that's what makes LONGRANGE worth the investment.

  • To get the same level of control with conventional products, you'd need three or more applications, each one timed to start working before the last one wears off. 
  • When you add up those product costs, labor, handling stress and shrink, one dose of LONGRANGE makes a lot of sense. 
  • It's all the body condition, reproduction and weaning weight benefits of a strategic deworming program in a single spring treatment.

Factors to consider

The level of parasite burden varies from location to location and animal to animal. However, here are some factors to consider as you evaluate your deworming approach.

  • AGE: Younger animals are more likely to display clinical signs of parasitism. While adult animals are less likely to display clinical signs, a subclinical infection (one you may not notice) still impacts the performance of that animal.
  • CLIMATE: Warm and wet are ideal conditions for parasites. Hot and dry conditions reduce the risk of parasitic infections. Parasites can easily survive the cold.
  • CONDITIONS: Heavily stocked pastures and/or limited acreage can result in higher parasite burden, particularly in mild, moist conditions. Even cattle loafing around water holes and along creeks can increase parasite burdens on the pasture and, ultimately, in the animals in those areas. Increased precipitation can prolong parasite season on pasture.
  • TIMING: Use products strategically with an aim to break the life cycle. It takes about 100 days of continuous parasite control to break the parasite life cycle and reduce the parasite burden on pasture.