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Pyranha Products

Wipe N' Spray™
Pyranha Wipe N' Spray: Is a pyrethrum-based formula that is applied directly on the animal. This ready-to-use product provides fly protection and imparts a high sheen to the hair when brushed out. A favorite of show horse owners, effective protection results from only 1 to 2 ounces per head. Wipe N' Spray is citronella scented and contains lanolin as a coat conditioner. It has been proven effective on biting flies, mosquitoes, gnats, fleas and ticks. Available in quart or gallon.

Pyranha Aerosol™
Pyranha Insecticide Aerosol is an equine aerosol that has been on the market for over 15 years. This product is citronella scented. Brushing the animal after an application will bring out a bright, lustrous sheen. Pyranha Aerosol has been used by champions all over the country for maximum fly control just before entering the show ring.

1-10 HP Concentrated System Refills
Are insecticide refills for 55-gallon automatic spray systems. Developed over 30 years ago using the highest quality pyrethroids, HP is a premium formulation that has set the bar for effective automatic flying insect control in horse barns. It provides both quick knockdown and long lasting protection against a broad range of harmful biting insects that include: Horn Flies, Deer Flies, Stable Flies, Boot Flies, Face Flies, Midges, Mosquitoes and more.

Click on any of the Pyranha product images below to learn more and to buy at discount prices.

Pyranha Wipe N' Spray
Price: $23.95
Recurring Item
Pyranha Zero-Bite Natural Insect Repellent
Price: $35.95
Recurring Item
