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Temaril-P Tablets

Temaril-P Tablets
5mg, Single - Trimeprazine 5mg, Prednisolone 2mg
5mg, 100 count - Trimeprazine 5mg, Prednisolone 2mg
5mg, 1,000 count - Trimeprazine 5mg, Prednisolone 2mg
SKU : 3396-EA_-RX-100
Price: $144.43
Price: $144.43
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Veterinarian Prescription (Rx) Required
Free shipping on orders over $75
  • Trimeprazine with prednisolone
  • Antipruritic Antitussive Anti-Inflammatory
  • For relief of itching regardless of causes
  • For use in dogs
  • Available Sizes
    • 5mg, 1 tablet
    • 5mg, 100 tablets
    • 5mg, 1,000 tablets
*Manufacturer restricts additional discounts on this item unless explicitly specified
How to Order Prescriptions


TEMARIL- P is a unique combination formula providing a 3-way therapeutic effect–antipruritic, antitussive, and anti-inflammatory - relieving the itch caused by allergic, inflammatory, and parasitic dermatoses.


  • Canine antipruritic, antitussive tablet.
  • Combines antipruritic, antitussive activity of trimeprazine with anti-inflammatory effect of prednisolone.
  • For relief of itching regardless of cause.
  • Recommended for treatment of “kennel cough” (tracheobronchitis).

Dosage and Administration

The same dosage schedule may be followed for both antipruritic and antitussive therapy:
Weight of Dog Initial Dosage
Up to 10 lbs 1/2 tablet, twice daily
11 to 20 lbs 1 tablet, twice daily
21 to 40 lbs 2 tablets, twice daily
over 40 lbs 3 tablets, twice daily


Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.


Clinical and experimental data have demon-strated that corticosteroids administered orally or by injection to animals may induce the first stage of parturi-tion if used during the last trimester of pregnancy and may precipitate premature parturition followed by dysto-cia, fetal death, retained placenta, and metritis. Addi-tionally, corticosteroids administered to dogs, rabbits, and rodents during pregnancy have resulted in cleft pal-ate in offspring. Corticosteroids administered to dogs during pregnancy have also resulted in other congenital anomalies, including deformed forelegs, phocomelia, and anasarca. If a vasoconstrictor is needed, norepine-phrine should be used in lieu of epinephrine. Pheno-thiazine derivatives may reverse the usual elevating action of epinephrine causing a further lowering of blood pressure.

Precautions & Side Effects

All the precautions applicable to cortisone and to phenothiazine derivatives apply also to Temaril-P. Possible side effects attributableto corticosteroids include sodium retention and potas-sium loss, negative nitrogen balance, suppressed adrenalcortical function, delayed wound healing, osteoporosis, elevated levels of SGPT and SAP, and vomiting and diar-rhea (occasionally bloody). Cushings syndrome in dogs has been reported in association with prolonged or repeated steroid therapy. Possible increased suscepti-bility to bacterial invasion and/or the exacerbation of preexisting bacterial infection may occur in patients receiving corticosteroids. As noted above, however, this problem can be avoided by concomitant use of appropri-ate anti-infective agents. Possible side effects attribu-table to phenothiazine derivatives include sedation; pro-truding nictitating membrane; blood dyscrasias; intensifi-cation and prolongation of the action of analgesics, sedatives and general anesthetics; and potentiation of organophosphate toxicity and the activity of procaine hydrochloride.

It should be remembered that the premonitory signs of cortisone overdosage, such as sodium retention and edema, may not occur with prednisolone. Therefore, the veterinarians must be alert to detect less obvious side effects, such as blood dyscrasias, polydipsia, and polyuria.

The appearance and severity of side effects are dose related and are minimal at the recommended dosage level. If troublesome side effects are encountered, the dosage of Temaril-P should be reduced and discontin-ued unless the severity of the condition being treated makes its relief paramount.

Prolonged treatment with Temaril-P must be withdrawn gradually. Use of corticosteroids, depending on dose, duration, and specific steroid, may result in inhibition of endogenous steroid production following drug with-drawal. In patients presently receiving or recently with-drawn from systemic steroid treatments, therapy with a rapidly acting corticosteroid should be considered in unusually stressful situations.


Store in a Dry, Cool Place at Temperatures Not Above 25°C (77°F)

RX required for this item.
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by Pfizer


Trimeprazine 5mg, Prednisolone 2mg

TEMARIL- P is a unique combination formula providing a 3-way therapeutic effect–antipruritic, antitussive, and anti-inflammatory - relieving the itch caused by allergic, inflammatory, and parasitic dermatoses.



  • Canine antipruritic, antitussive tablet.
  • Combines antipruritic, antitussive activity of trimeprazine with anti-inflammatory effect of prednisolone.
  • For relief of itching regardless of cause.
  • Recommended for treatment of “kennel cough” (tracheobronchitis).

Dosage and Administration

The same dosage schedule may be followed for both antipruritic and antitussive therapy:

Weight of Dog Initial Dosage
Up to 10 lbs 1/2 tablet, twice daily
11 to 20 lbs 1 tablet, twice daily
21 to 40 lbs 2 tablets, twice daily
over 40 lbs 3 tablets, twice daily