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ThunderEase Calming Spray for Dogs

ThunderEase Calming Spray for Dogs
60 mL - spray bottle
SKU : 300160
Price: $42.95
Price: $42.95
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  • Helps stop or prevent fear and stress-related behavior in puppies and adult dogs that result in: 
    • destructive behavior
    • excessive vocalization (barking, whining, etc.)
    • house soiling
    • excessive licking
    • anxiety
  • Available Sizes
    • 60 mL


ThunderEase Calming Spray, formerly Travel Spray for Dogs, replicates pheromones, which helps bond dogs to each other, for a drug-free, vet-recommended calming solution that may help reduce unwanted behaviors and help your dog feel calm and relaxed in stressful situations.

Effective for

  • Fear of loud noises like thunder and fireworks
  • Uneasiness in a new home or environment
  • Stress when socializing or during training
  • House-soiling
  • Destructive chewing
  • Travel anxiety such as shaking, vomiting, panting, agitation, and salivation
  • Stress when visiting the vet
  • Anxiety when boarding or kenneling
  • Stress caused by changes in the environment like new furniture or remodeling

Usage Instructions

ThunderEase Spray is great for using at home or on the go! Use 8-10 pumps directly on objects, your kennel, or car. Let sit for 15 minutes before introducing your dog. Respray every 4-5 hours as needed.

ThunderEase can be used with a ThunderShirt. Spray 2-3 bursts on the ThunderPatch for maximum calm.