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Cheristin for Cats

Cheristin for Cats - 6 Doses
3 doses - topical applicator
6 doses - topical applicator
SKU : 459003
Price: $43.02
Price: $43.02
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  • Fast-acting flea protection designed just for cats. 
  • An effective flea treatment for cats.
  • Convenient one-size-fits-all* flea treatment for cats.
*Manufacturer restricts additional discounts on this item unless explicitly specified. 


Cheristin® for Cats is a topical flea treatment designed specifically for cats. Cheristin’s long-lasting formula protects against fleas through 6 weeks1 and is applied using a rounded tip applicator for comfortable, easy application. Cheristin comes in one dose size for all cats and kittens (1.8 lbs and greater or 8 weeks of age and older), making it great for families with multiple cats. Cheristin is available without a prescription


  • Cheristin® for cats kills fleas fast and is specifically designed for cats.
  • While monthly application is recommended, a single dose of Cheristin kills adult fleas for up to 6 weeks.1
  • One size fits all*, which makes Cheristin ideal for households with multiple cats.
  • Easy to apply: Quick-drying, non-greasy topical solution is gently delivered by a small applicator with a rounded tip.
  • Fast: Starts killing fleas within 30 minutes and killed 98-100% of fleas within 12 hours in a controlled study.2
  • Convenient: Same low volume dose is gentle enough for all cats and kittens over 1.8 pounds and 8 weeks old. The active ingredient, spinetoram, received a 2008 Presidential Green Chemistry award for low environmental impact on the agricultural industry.3

* For cats and kittens over 8 weeks and 1.8 pounds.
1 Monthly application is recommended.
2 Elanco Animal Health. Data on File.
3 The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program, Summary of Award Entris and Recipients.



Active Ingredient
Spinetoram (CAS# 187166-40-1 & 187166-15-0) 11.20%
TOTAL 100.00%

Directions for Use

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

More detailed directions for use are included in the box. Read the entire label, directions for use and frequency of application each time before using this product.

For prevention and treatment of fleas, part the hair on the neck at the base of the head and apply the contents of the applicator tube to a single spot on the skin of the cat. Do not apply on the surface of the cat's hair coat. Place the empty applicator tube in the trash.

Monthly application is recommended to prevent and treat flea infestations. Cheristin for cats starts working in 30 minutes and continues killing fleas for a full month after application.

Precautionary Statements

For external use only. Do not use on kittens less than eight (8) weeks of age or weighing less than 1.8 lb. Do not allow your cat to ingest this product. Use only a single dose on cats weighing greater than 20 lbs. As with any product, consult your veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant or nursing animals known to be sensitive to pesticides.

First Aid

If in the Eyes

    • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 - 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing.
    • Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

If Swallowed

    • Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have the product label with you when you call the poison control center or medical professional.
    • Have person sip glass of water if able to swallow.
    • Do not induce vomiting unless told by a poison control center or doctor.
    • Do not give anything to an unconscious person.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact Rocky Mountain Poison Control at 1-888-767-5023 for emergency medical treatment information.

Side Effects

Monitor your cat after application. Side effects may include signs of application site reactions such as application site hair loss, hair change (greasy, clumping or matting) or redness, inflammation, and itching. Other side effects such as inactivity, vomiting and inappetence have also been reported. If these or any other side effects occur, consult your veterinarian, your cat's healthcare expert. For technical assistance or to report a side effect, call Elanco at 1-888-545-5972.