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Provecta Advanced for Dogs

Provecta Advanced for Dogs
Small - 5 to 10 lbs - 4 doses
Medium - 11 to 20 lbs - 4 doses
Large - 21 to 55 lbs - 4 doses
X-Large - Over 55 lbs - 4 doses
SKU : 63336
Price: $27.99
Price: $27.99
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Topical Prevention and Treatment for Dogs

  • Once-a-month topical prevention and treatment for dogs 7 weeks and older
  • Contains the same active ingredients as K9 Advantix II
  • Repels and kills ticks, fleas and mosquitos
  • Remains effective after bathing and swimming
  • Four doses in every carton


Provecta Advanced for Dogs is a once-a-month topical prevention and treatment for dogs seven weeks and older that contains the same active ingredients as K9 Advantix II.* It repels and kill ticks, fleas and mosquitos in all of their life stages to help keep your family’s dogs healthy and your house pest-free—all at a fraction of the cost of K9 Advantix II.*


    • Contains the same active ingredients found in K9 Advantix® II*
    • Contains imidacloprid, permethrin and pyriproxyfen, an insect growth regulator (IGR)
    • Repels and kills ticks, fleas and mosquitos
    • Once-a-month, fragrance-free topical prevention and treatment
    •  For dogs 7 weeks or older
    • Remains effective after bathing and swimming
    • Available in four weight breaks: 5-10 lbs, 11-20 lbs, 21-55 lbs and 55 lbs and up
    • Four (4) doses in every carton

Available Sizes

    • SMALL - 5 to 10 lbs
    • MEDIUM - 11 to 20 lbs
    • LARGE - 21 to 55 lbs
    • X-LARGE - Over 55 lbs

The Power to Stop Blood-Thirsty Ticks

Lyme disease. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Ehrlichiosis. They’re all carried by ticks, harmful to pets and a concern for humans. But when you provide Provecta Advanced, you can protect dogs from disease. It repels and kills ticks for up to four weeks, including the ticks that are vectors of those diseases: Deer ticks, American dog ticks, Brown dog ticks and Lone Star ticks.

The Power to Make Fleas Flee

No one wants a flea-infested house. Provecta Advanced for Dogs repels and kills all life stages of fleas, which keeps them off of dogs and out of pet owners’ homes. It also reduces the incidence of Flea Allergic Dermatitis (FAD). With Provecta Advanced for Dogs, fleas do not have to bite to die.

The Power to Repel and Kill Mosquitos

Mosquito-borne diseases—like the Zika virus—can affect you and your dog. Provecta Advanced for Dogs is one of the most effective mosquito treatments available today. It contains the same active ingredient found in K9 Advantix® II* and repels and kills mosquitos for up to one month, often before they have a chance to take a blood meal—and potentially spread disease.

* Provecta Advanced for Dogs and Provecta for Cats are not manufactured by or distributed by Bayer Healthcare LLC. K9 Advantix® II and Advantage® II are registered trademarks of Bayer Healthcare LLC.

by CAP IM Supply Inc.