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Provecta for Cats

Provecta for Cats
Small - 5 to 9 lbs - 4 doses
Large - Over 9 lbs - 4 doses
SKU : 64231
Price: $23.99
Price: $23.99
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Topical Prevention and Treatment for Cats

  • Once-a-month topical prevention and treatment for cats 8 weeks and older and weighing 5lbs and over
  • Kills both flea eggs and adult fleas within 12 hours for up to one month


Provecta for Cats is a once-a-month topical flea prevention and treatment for the family feline that contains the same active ingredients as Advantage® II.* It kills both flea eggs and adult fleas within 12 hours and for up to one month—all at a fraction of the cost of Advantage® II.*



    • Kills adult fleas
    • Kills flea eggs
    • Prevents flea infestations for up to one month per treatment
    • Kills fleas within 12 hours
    • Approved for use on cats and kittens 8 weeks and older
    • Fragrance free

Available Sizes

    • SMALL - 5 to 9 lbs 
    • Large - Over 9 lbs 

Effectively Breaks the Flea Life Cycle

Two-way flea protection kills adult fleas and flea eggs before they hatch. Fleas are present year-round, even in colder climates. And if you see one flea, there’s a good chance many more fleas, larvae and eggs are nearby. Fleas can carry diseases, transmit tapeworms and cause flea allergy dermatitis—the most common allergic skin disease of cats. If an infestation is bad enough, it can even cause anemia, which can be fatal to kittens. That’s why you need Provecta for Cats.

Active Ingredients

Imidacloprid 9.10% and Pyriproxyfen 0.46%

*Provecta Advanced for Dogs and Provecta for Cats are not manufactured by or distributed by Bayer Healthcare LLC. K9 Advantix® II and Advantage® II are registered trademarks of Bayer Healthcare LLC.