Please note: At this time, we are unable to ship prescription orders to California. All recurring prescription orders to California will be suspended until further notice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Advantage Treatment Shampoo for Cats is an unscented shampoo that treats cats and kittens that are infested with unwanted pests, containing a highly-effected combination of ingredients that work to kill fleas and ticks instantly. Do not use more than once every seven days as part of a prevention program that includes treating your home and yard with appropriate products that will ensure complete control.
This bottle is 8 ounces. Get rid of fleas and ticks on your cat by ordering Advantage Treatment Shampoo today!
Key Features
Kills ticks and fleas
Safe for cats and kittens 12 weeks of age or older
Wet the animal's coat for 2-3 minutes with warm water.
Apply shampoo on head and ears and lather.
Repeat procedure with neck, chest, and middle and hindquarters, finishing legs last and paying special attention to the footpads (between the toes) and underbody areas.
Wash the head and ear areas carefully, making sure to keep the shampoo out of the animal's eyes.
Pay special attention to the base of the tail, as it is a place frequented by fleas. Fully lather animal and let later remain on animal for 5 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with water.
For small cats less than 15 lbs., wrapping the animal in a towel for several minutes to absorb moisture is advised. This also will allow dying fleas and ticks to crawl off animal into the towel before drying animal with a towel or blow drier.
Advantage Treatment Shampoo Fleas Treatment Medication For Cats - 8 oz
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