Controls pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis in dogs
Owners should be advised of the potential for adverse reactions and be informed of the clinical signs associated with drug intolerance. Always provide client information sheet with prescription.
How Supplied
EloxiOral Oral Suspension 1.5 mg/mL is available in: 10, 32, and 100 mL bottles with small and large dosing syringes. EloxiOral is packaged with 2 sizes of dosing syringes.
The small syringe is calibrated in 1 lb increments for use in dogs under 30 lbs,
The large syringe is calibrated in 5 lb increments (up to 160 lbs) and should be used for dosing dogs that are 30 lbs and over. This enables the 1.5 mg/ml strength to be easily and conveniently used on small dogs, eliminating the need for stocking 1 0.5 mg/ml meloxicam.