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Co-Ral Fly and Tick Spray

Co-Ral Fly and Tick Spray
1/2 - Gallon
SKU : 435405
Price: $69.95
Price: $69.95
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  • Controls horn flies, face flies, lice and ticks
  • May be applied as a spray or with a backrubber only for cattle
  • Available Sizes 
    • 1/2 Gallon 
*Manufacturer restricts additional discounts on this item unless explicitly specified. 


Co-Ral® Fly & Tick Spray controls horn flies, lice and ticks on beef and non-lactating dairy cattle; lice and flies on lactating dairy cattle; controls horn flies and face flies with a back rubber for beef and lactating dairy cattle; horn flies and lice on horses (not intended for slaughter); and lice on swine.

Active Ingredients

Courmaphos 6.15%  Other Ingredients 93.85%

Directions for Use

It is a violations of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application 

Read the entire Directions, Conditions of Sale and Disclaimer of Limited Warranty and Limitations of Damages before using this product.


Co-Ral® Fly & Tick Spray controls horn flies, lice and ticks on beef and non-lactating dairy cattle; lice and flies on lactating dairy cattle; controls horn flies and face flies with a back rubber for beef and lactating dairy cattle; horn flies and lice on horses (not intended for slaughter); and lice on swine.

Active Ingredients

Courmaphos 6.15%  Other Ingredients 93.85%

Directions for Use

It is a violations of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application 

Read the entire Directions, Conditions of Sale and Disclaimer of Limited Warranty and Limitations of Damages before using this product.