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ArmourGuard RTU - 32 oz

ArmourGuard RTU - 32 oz
32 oz - 
SKU : 101168
Price: $31.95
Price: $31.95
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New from Kinetic Vet!

  • Spray on Stay on Antimicrobial Technology
  • Has continual antimicrobial activity for up to 90 days
  • Non-flammable, no solvents for dilution, and no special handling

What Makes ArmourGuard RTU Unique?

EPA approved silane quaternary ammonium salt (Si·Quat) solution providing long-term antimicrobial protection. ArmourGuard RTU’s technology imparts a durable antimicrobial coating providing up to 90 days protection on a wide variety of treated surfaces. This new technology is based on the use of quaternary ammonium silicone as the antimicrobial agent in an aqueous solution giving it the ability to coat and adhere to all surfaces. As a water-based compound, ArmourGuard RTU is non-flammable, requires no solvents for dilution, needs no special handling and is uniformly dispersed on almost any surface.

Mode of Action and Function

When quaternary ammonium salts react with silanes, they form an integrated complex. When this complex is applied to any surface, it forms an invisible and durable (polymerized) antimicrobial coating or barrier making it very effective against a wide range of microbes.

Silane Base

The first section of the long chain molecule is a silane base, which enables the antimicrobial to anchor securely onto the substrate. A bond is formed providing longlasting and sometimes permanent antimicrobial protection against a broad range of microorganisms.

Positively Charged Nitrogen

The second section of the long chain molecule is a bolt of electricity that kills any microbe. A positively charged atom of nitrogen attracts the negatively charged membranes of some microbes. This mechanical kill negates the need for toxic chemicals.

Long Molecular Carbon Chain

The third section of the long chain molecule is the “spike” that initially comes into contact with the offending microbes. This acts like a sword that punctures the cell membranes of all microbes.


    • Provides a durable antimicrobial finish lasting for up to 90 days
    • Prevents biofilm formation
    • Silane adheres to surface providing invisible durable finish
    • Enhances biosecurtiy protocol to be used in addition to disinfectant protocol
    • No microbial adaptation, resistance or mutation
    • Odorless, colorless and non-toxic
    • Approved for use on a wide variety of surfaces and locations

For Use In

    • Animal housing facilities (dairy, equine, poultry, swine), shelters and kennels
    • Veterinary clinics
    • Grooming facilities
    • Animal transportation vehicles
    • Animal quarantine areas
    • Surgery suites

For Use On

  • Veterinary Clinics
    • Surgery suite, boarding facility,  exam rooms, tables, kennels, quarantine area, waiting rooms
  • Equine
    • Stalls, transportation vehicles, grooming equipment, sales pavilion, training center
  • Dairy
    • Calf hutches, storage facility, pens/stalls, milking parlor, handling equipment
  • Swine
    • Farrowing houses, waterers, feeders, nursery, dressing plants, loading equipment, transportation vehicles
  • Poultry
    • Egg receiving area, egg holding area, setter room, tray dumping area, hatchery room, brooder houses

Directions for Use

The initial application should be made after the premises are disinfected. ArmourGuard RTU can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces by spraying, wiping, dipping, soaking or brushing. Reapply every 90 days. In high traffic areas more frequent applications may be needed. One gallon of ArmourGuard RTU provides between 500 to 1,500 square feet of coverage depending on the application method and surface type.

by KineticVet