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Spartan Mosquito Pro Tech - Kill Mosquitos the Pro Tech Way!

Spartan Mosquito Pro Tech
2 Tubes - 1 box
1 Acre Pack - 2 boxes (4 tubes)
2 Acre Pack - 4 boxes (8 tubes)
SKU : 31030_
Price: $23.95
Price: $23.95
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  • Last up to 30 days!
  • Do-It-Yourself Mosquito Killer
  • 100% American Made
  • Place 4 tubes (2 boxes) per acre on your perimeter/property line (more than 4 tubes can be used)
  • Hang the tubes at least 80 feet away from where people gather
  • Kills mosquitoes that may carry West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Dengue Fever, St. Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, and Eastern equine encephalitis for up to 30 days

Safe to use in most states; not available to ship to California and Puerto Rico

*Manufacturer restricts additional discounts on this item unless explicitly specified.


Spartan Mosquito Pro Tech kills mosquitoes for up to 30 days so you can enjoy the outdoors. Spartan Mosquito Pro Tech also doesn’t require batteries or electricity; just add warm water and shake thoroughly!

Spartan Pro Tech kills mosquitoes that may carry West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Dengue Fever, St. Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, and Eastern equine encephalitis for up to 30 days. 
  • Do-It-Yourself Mosquito Killer
  • 100% American Made
  • Replace every 30 days

Directions for Use

Place 4 tubes (2 boxes) per acre on your perimeter/property line (more than 4 tubes can be used). Hang the tubes at least 80 feet away from where people gather