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MYOS Equine Muscle Formula

MYOS Equine Muscle Formula
1440 g - Bucket 
SKU : 3671440_-RX
Price: $314.99
Price: $314.99
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Veterinarian Prescription (Rx) Required
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  • Helps build muscle
  • Improves mobility
  • Enhances recovery
  • Backed by multiple clinical studies
How to Order Prescriptions


MYOS creates scientifically backed nutritional solutions for improving animal muscle health. The revolutionary muscle health supplements, powered by or patented and proprietary ingredient Fortetropin, have created the only all natural supplement clinically proven to improve muscle health.

Fortetropin is an innovative proprietary ingredient that harnesses the immense natural power of 100% raw fertilized egg yolk to build strong, healthy, muscles in animals. Fortetrpoin has been shown in multiple clinical studies to build lean muscle, reduce muscle atrophy and improve recovery.


Serving Size

48G total, 2 scoops per day
(24G per scoop)

Active Ingredient

40G per serving

Inactive Ingredient

8G per serving

1 Bucket = 30-day supply for 1 hourse (approx. 1000lbs)

Add into horses feed daily as per dosage intrusions. Store in a cool, dark place and do not expose to heat or warm temperatures over 85 Degrees F for numerous days

Shelf-life is 3 years when sealed and stored properly.
