Please note: At this time, we are unable to ship prescription orders to California. All recurring prescription orders to California will be suspended until further notice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Recombitek Oral Bordetella has been shown effective for the vaccination of healthy dogs eight weeks of age or older against clinical disease cause by Bordetella bronchiseptica.
Protection in 4 simple steps
Ergonomically designed oral pipette
for comfortable administration
Pre-filled with diluent to reduce
steps and save time
Needle-free reconstitution and administration
reduces potential risk of injury to staff
Who’s at risk?
Socializers: dogs that live in densely populated areas, visit pet stores
with their owners, or visit groomers
Dogs that are boarded
• Dogs that interact with neighborhood dogs or travel with their
owners to hotels or restaurants—places that may be frequented
by other at-risk dogs
In fact, dogs may even be exposed at animal hospitals
See package insert for complete product details. All Vaccines Now Ship OVERNIGHT Delivery Only at a great LOW Rate!
Vaccines are shipped in a cooling package.