To administer ELURA:
If the cat is routinely fed meals, offer food 30 minutes after administering the dose. If the cat vomits within 15 minutes or only receives a partial dose, then the dose may be re-administered.
For oral use in cats only. Do not use in cats that have a hypersensitivity to capromorelin, or in cats with hypersomatotropism (acromegaly). ELURA may increase serum glucose for several hours after dosing; use in cats with current or historical diabetes mellitus has not been evaluated and may not be appropriate. Use with caution in cats that may have cardiac disease, severe dehydration, or hepatic dysfunction. ELURA has not been evaluated in cats younger than 5 months of age, or in breeding, pregnant or lactating cats. The most common adverse reactions included vomiting, hypersalivation, inappetence, behavior change and lethargy.